(C) All images unless specifically mentioned are the property of Srikanth Turlapati and cannot be used in anyway without the consent of the copyright owner. Any third party content is the protected by the copyright of the respective copyright owner, and the blog administrator doesnt hold any responsibility for any infringment of the same. If you come across any material in this blog which is published against the copyright, please inform me and shall promptly be adhered to
Nice compostion! i guess the light was a bit less for the flower though!
Posted by Nish | February 21, 2005 10:46 PM
yes, it was early in the morning, with sun behind the flower. and hand held.
Posted by Srikanth | February 22, 2005 2:54 AM
Beautiful photo! As Nish said, the composition is exquisite. You have some really beautiful pictures here.
Posted by Suyog | February 22, 2005 5:53 AM