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Tuesday, July 25, 2006 

Going back in time

We always go forward in time, keep going really fast, sometimes, somethings make you come to a screeching halt sometimes, forcing you to think, OK, this is something I know, I have seen that in the "past" sometime.
Today morning, as usual, I was coming to office, (Fast as usual).
In one of the lanes of IndiraNagar, I suddenly noticed something, a person pulling a cart. It would have been normal if it is vegetables being sold, or if it is a regular push cart, of 4 wheels is what you see.
But, he was pulling a two wheeled cart, like a bullock cart, and he was selling salt in it. This is something which I have seen very long back in my childhood. Salt(Crystals, not the powdered one) used to be sold on carts like this, and I have almost forgotten that salt was ever sold on streets, and not in super markets, and they are not sold by kilograms, but by the containers which the sellers carry.
And he was carrying salt the same old fashioned way, in a gunny bag placed on the cart, with a metal container which is used as a measure to sell salt.
Unfortunately, I donot carry camera most of the times, otherwise it would have been a great record of the "bygone" era, which just went past me in the heart of the buzzling, modern motropolis of Bangalore.

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  • From Bangalore, KA, India
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