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Thursday, May 17, 2007 

Customer Delight ?

Keep the customer happy!
But what happens when the customer is terribly unhappy. He doesnt hear back, or his problem is not rectified even when it is "escalated"? He threatens to go to court on that.

I had to do that finally, and I was heard only when I served a "notice" that if my problem is not addressed, I am going to court, and ask for higher compensation.

To keep the story short and simple, I purchased air tickets online, and found that the reciept was for lesser amount than what was charged. Unfortunately, the amount charged on the credit card will be known only after 2 days, by the time, my travel is over.
I tried to explain, argue, shout and fight with them for more than 2 hours in the middle of night, which yielded no response. Even my demand that I speak to their manager was not satisfied.

My next option of approaching consumer courts yielded this site who offers help to people like me, who would like to fight for their rights.
And simple, I explained my case to them, and they sent a "notice" on my behalf, and guess what, I got the excess money charged for me within a week.

I just got an EMail for the "Manager - Customer Delight" of Makemytrip.com that my excess charges are reverted to my credit card.


hey Thanks for visiting my blog. Haven't gone thru your blog as yet.. will do it soon :)

regarding your post.. you did the right thing! But these days I am hearing so much about these things.. it's almost like we have to fight for anything and everything to get our fair share...
gone are the days of dharma and nyaaya..

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