I took a canvas, painted this picture on it...
Doesnt it look like that?
Well, I just created that effect, something which you do when the photo is not that great :) to make an interesting thing out of it.
I normally donot manipulate pictures, except for some minor adjustments like less than 5% of cropping, and brightness and contrast adjustments. This one, I was just playing around with some options, and I liked this effect.
Now its your turn to comment on how it is.
Doesnt it look like that?
Well, I just created that effect, something which you do when the photo is not that great :) to make an interesting thing out of it.
I normally donot manipulate pictures, except for some minor adjustments like less than 5% of cropping, and brightness and contrast adjustments. This one, I was just playing around with some options, and I liked this effect.
Now its your turn to comment on how it is.
Gud to c u pix :-)
I guess u hav appllied clothify effects!! it looks cool..
Why its dark.. wat time did u shoot this?
Posted by Sathish N | May 22, 2005 10:24 PM
it was shot just before sun set at around 8 PM
Already it was dark, I made it a bit darker for the canvas effect.
you need to click on the picture for the bigger picture to see the effect fully.
Posted by Srikanth | May 23, 2005 10:31 AM
I did chk the bigger pic.. thats looks with the clothify :-)
Posted by Sathish N | May 24, 2005 12:32 AM
Good to see your pictures again :) the filter applied works fine with this one! good one
Posted by Nish | May 25, 2005 11:38 PM